Dissolution of the Yungtaria

I, the president of the People’s Republic of Yungtaria declare, that from this day Yungtaria does not exist. Yungtaria collapsed.

All territories of the Yungtaria are given back to the Republic of Lithuania.

Nevertheless I am not intending retreat from the micronational world. I plan to join a larger micronation.

Revival of the Yugtaria

Today, November 28th is the revival of the People’s Republic of Yungtaria. After a few months break the Yungtaria is reborning.

I, the president of Yungtaria declare, that my micronation refuses rights to Yungtarian grove and hill. Nevertheless I declare that to Yungtaria now belongs a small island which is in the macronational Lithuania territory, in the Mūša river. Also my title from now is not a leader but president.


Official signed by the president of the People’s Republic of Yungtaria



Yungtarian News 1

Yungtaria now has a national animal!

On 29 August, the king confirmed the Yungtarian national animal. Yungtarian national animal now is bee!

New website

Today was enabled a new site of the Yungtaria. Why? Because WEBS.COM for everything what is better asking to buy premium. SO OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE HAS BEEN MOVED TO WEEBLY!

Our new official website

Hospitality and assistance

Yesterday, Yungtaria was presented to the MicroWiki community. And we received a lot of welcoming. And one member of the community especially helped me. He is Dylan Emborouh I, Duke of the Duchy of Hodiny.

So, I want to again thank everyone for welcoming and for help.